2014 Monroe Swift Night Out
The Vaux’s swift is a species of bird, representing the smallest and most numerous variety of swift in the State of Washington. Most of their lives are spent in the air, as their feet are too weak to perch. When they roost, they therefore must seek out rough surfaces to clutch to, like the inside of a hollow tree or, when they pass by our hotel in Monroe, Washington, the chimney of Wagner Center. When this happens, the people of Monroe mark the occasion with the Monroe Swift Night Out.
Behold one of the continent’s largest congregations of Vaux’s swifts as they pack into a single 31-foot chimney. As many as 26,000 of these birds have been observed in a single night during this event. In addition to the bird watching, you can also enjoy informational displays and exhibits, children’s activities, and food vendors.
This year’s night is set to take place on the thirteenth of September, starting at 5:00 PM and going until dusk. Visit the Monroe Swift Watch website for more information.